Kidney Failure Symptoms That Everyone Avoiding l 6 Early Signs Of Kidney Disease


Signs and symptoms of kidney disease, also known as renal disease. Kidney disease can be cured by slowing the growth of the kidney damage. Chronic kidney damage can be deadly if it’s avoided for a long time which may cause you pay for kidney transplant or dialysis. 

So here we’re going to discuss a wide variety of signs   and symptoms we can see with early disease – so early kidney disease all the way up to   renal or kidney failure symptoms.

Urination Changes

Kidney Failure Symptoms

So this makes sense if there’s an issue with the kidneys we can have urination changes,  sometimes we may see increased or decreased urine volume.        In some kidney conditions we can see an   increased urination or increased urine volume, patients may experience more frequent trips to the   washroom,  they have to urinate more frequently and then in some more advanced stages of kidney   disease we often see decreasing urination or decreased urine volume.

Some other disease   states of the kidney can lead to foamy urine, so this means there may be protein in your urine,   and in some cases there may also be blood in the urine, called hematuria. This also includes major  kidney failure symptoms.

Peripheral Edema

Kidney Failure Symptoms

So peripheral edema looks like this, this is actually pitting edema, so if you   were to actually see an individual’s legs here, and you can see that there’s   a lot of interstitial fluid in the tissues where it’s not supposed to be, and if you actually push   your finger on that area and release you can see this pitting, this is what we call pitting edema. This also includes major  kidney failure symptoms. This is caused by fluid or volume overload this can ultimately be due to advanced kidney  disease, so if an individual is not urinating enough volume off or not losing enough volume   through their renal system, they can have volume overload, and this can lead to more volume or more fluid in their interstitial areas and a lot of times we see this in the periphery so in their lower limbs oftentimes.

Hypertension- So High Blood Pressure

Kidney Failure Symptoms

This is again due to increased intravascular volume if an individual is not urinating   enough volume off of them they can have increased intravascular volume so increased volume or  increased fluid in their cardiovascular system, so we can see hypertension or high blood pressure. And another symptom we can see with kidney disease is dyspnea or shortness of breath – this is often   again due to similar reasons. So again if there’s volume overload, we can see peripheral edema, hypertension and this can even lead to increased fluid or volume within the chest cavity (within the thorax) and the increased fluid can surround the lungs causing issues with breathing, and we can also see some chest pain that may occur in these individuals as well.

Difficulty Sleeping

Kidney Failure Symptoms

Difficulty sleeping  because of increased toxins, individuals can be symptom of kidney disease. Its may complain of either not being able to get   to sleep or having issues during sleep or being very tired during the day and this leads into the   next symptom that individuals with kidney disease often have which is fatigue. They can often be  very fatigued throughout the day there’s a lot of daytime sleepiness,   and again this is due to increased toxins so because the kidney filters out and excretes   a lot of toxins. If the kidneys are not working properly toxins can increase leading to fatigue   and another reason why patients may be fatigued is secondary to anemia. We’re going to talk about   anemia as a result of kidney disease in a moment – and the fatigue may   be related to what we just talked about difficulty sleeping, so sleeping issues,   increased toxins themselves can lead to fatigue and then there’s also this anemia as well.

Muscle Twitching and Spasms

This is often due to electrolyte imbalances, the kidney is very important in balancing a lot of electrolytes in our body, and if there’s electrolyte imbalances this can lead to issues  with muscle contractions and lead to spontaneous muscle twitching and spasms. Oftentimes we can   see low calcium and high phosphate with kidney disease  these can lead to issues with muscle   spasms and twitching. And we mentioned this before, but we can also see anemia in kidney disease   so low red blood cells or low hemoglobin, and this is an anemia of chronic kidney disease.

Again this often occurs later in a kidney disease process – so chronic kidney disease – and this is   because the kidney produces erythropoietin or EPO (“EPO”) and what erythropoietin does   is it actually stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells (so erythrocytes), and as   the kidney becomes more and more damaged it has less and less ability to produce erythropoietin it actually produces less and less EPO or erythropoietin leading to less red blood cells   being produced leading to this anemia of chronic kidney disease. This also includes in major  kidney failure symptoms.


Kidney Failure Symptoms

Pruritis is an itching sensation very itchy dry skin this is again due to uremia, so uremia can cause a patient to feel very   itchy on most parts of their body, and this will actually lead to excoriations, so scratch marks,   on many parts of their body, so we can see this as a sign of kidney disease as well. And this can   also be known as uremic pruritic. So an itching sensation caused by increased urea in the blood   and uremia can cause some other signs and symptoms as well including nausea and vomiting so patients   who are in an advanced stage of kidney disease are oftentimes very nauseous and don’t feel very well.   This is again caused by uremia, and this can lead to anorexia or weight loss patients can become   very thin again caused by uremia ultimately caused by this nausea and vomiting, so they have a very   low appetite or decreased appetite. Now another important point to note is platelet dysfunction,   and again this is due to uremia.

Uremia can cause platelet dysfunction – so although   platelets may look like they are in a normal level or in a normal range   they may be dysfunctional and this can look like thrombocytopenia or a low platelet count;   so patients with platelet dysfunction secondary to uremia can experience increased gingival bleeding,   so increased bleeding of their gums of their mouth, increased cutaneous bleeding,   so if they cut themselves on their hand the bleeding may be difficult to stop,   epistaxis, so a nose bleed, petechial and purpura are these little red   and purple spots on the skin – so this is superficial bleeding within the skin   and easy bruising they can gently hit their arm on a surface, and it can be bruised   quite easily. So these are all signs of platelet dysfunction. So again platelet dysfunction   secondary to uremia – we see gingival bleeding, cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, petechia, purpura   and easy bruising, and we can also see increased risk of excessive bleeding in   cases like menstruation, during surgeries, and during and after childbirth as well.

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